How to use Extended File Attributes on NFS?

Celik picture Celik · Jul 8, 2014 · Viewed 13k times · Source

I have an NFS_Server - NFS_Client system. My client is mounted to an NFS_Server directory. I want to change the attribute of NFS_Server directory's files via NFS_Client mounted directory by using Extended File Attributes (xattr).

When I tried to set an attribute from the client side, it gives the following answer:

root@ubuntu:/mnt/nfs/var/nfs# setfattr -n user.comment -v "some comment" test.txt setfattr: nfs.txt: Permission denied

My question is:

  • is it possible to use Extended File Attributes via NFS?

  • if possible, how can I do this?


Server side:

$ more  /etc/exports file has:    

Client side:

$ root@ubuntu:/# mount -t nfs on /mnt/nfs/var/nfs type nfs (rw,vers=4,addr=,clientaddr=

thank you...


fbarriga picture fbarriga · May 22, 2017

You can use fuse_xattrs (a fuse filesystem layer) to emulate extended attributes (xattrs) on NFS shares. Basically you have to do:

  1. mount the NFS share. e.g.: /mnt/shared_data
  2. mount the fuse xattr layer: $ fuse_xattrs /mnt/shared_data /mnt/shared_data_with_xattrs

Now all the files on /mnt/shared_data can be accessed on /mnt/shared_data_with_xattrs with xattrs support. The extended attributes will be stored on sidecar files. The extended attributes are not going to be stored on the server filesystem as extended attributes, they are going to be stored in sidecar files.

Sadly this is only a work-around.

disclaimer: I'm the author of fuse_xattrs.