Arch (xbacklight): No outputs have backlight property

catharchy picture catharchy · May 26, 2014 · Viewed 22.1k times · Source

I have two folders in my /sys/class/backlight:

1> acpi_video0 2> intel_backlight

The intel_backlight is useless because I can use the following command to adjust brightness in acpi_video0 (I'm running Nvidia drivers):

e.g: echo 50 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness

Problem: Using xbacklight -inc +5 outputs: "No outputs have backlight property" so I need to get it to use acpi_video0

So far, I have tried to rm the intel_backlight folder completely with no luck (using both sudo and changing permission to 777 recursively).

I just wanna be able to hotkey the xbacklight to increment and decrement brightness. I can set brightness in acpi_video0 to a hard value using echo but don't know how to adjust it in increments.

Kindly advise further!

Regards :)

EDIT 1: (POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE) For anyone with this problem in the future, install xcalib. (Setup: Arch Linux w/ i3 window manager)

yaourt -S xcalib

And the following hotkey assignment (i3 in my case) in the config file:

# Brightness control reset screen (100% brightness)
bindsym Mod1+Up exec xcalib -c
# Brightness control down
bindsym Mod1+Down exec xcalib -co 95 -a


jrdccx picture jrdccx · Oct 27, 2015

EDIT: I found this question because I had the same output error: no outputs have backlight property. light-git solved this with no further tinkering.

A better alternative to xcalib (which doesn't adjust backlight; won't save battery power): light-git from AUR.


  • light -U 20 decrease backlight 20%
  • light -A 20 increase 20%
  • light -S 50 set backlight to 50%

Found here (thanks @icbytes).