i use the following command to generate a filelist which i compare sometimes to see if something is changed:
find /directory -xdev -ls
My Problem is that the time in the output is not always in the same format:
Sep 19 08:48 ./pool/f/f/0/ff046cc5b7188073cbd68207c52bddc5
Nov 2 06:24 ./pool/f/f/0/ff0e803c36d89315a6b3663ed1295f71
Jan 18 2012 ./pool/f/f/0/ff07f60465d8deb7a1aa38096d0b798d
Jan 18 2012 ./pool/f/f/0/ff07436f519bddf1d340afde5a240375
For the ls-command there is the option --time-format=long-iso to force the same time-format for all files. Is it possible to combinate this with the find-command?
You can use various options to -printf (man find)
find . -printf "%CY-%Cm-%Cd %CH:%CM\n"