AwesomeWM wallpaper change

ch94 picture ch94 · Jan 7, 2014 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

When I am using Awesome-WM under Linux Mint 13 "Maya" MATE, sometimes I need to open the File Manager "Caja". But when I launch caja, the wallpaper changes to the one I set under MATE instead of the one in rc.lua. I have tried

sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background draw-background false

but it seems useless.

How can I keep my settings under awesome-wm? Or I should set the 2 backgrounds the same?


Mavz picture Mavz · Sep 11, 2014

You could try setting your wallpaper using feh. Create a .fehbg file in your $HOME and put this in:

feh --bg-scale '/path/to/wallpaper.jpg'

..then save it.

Then in your autostart script just add sh $HOME/.fehbg & then try restarting your DE. If it still persists after opening Caja, then I am not sure about that since I am totally unfamiliar with Caja, rather, I am not familiar with MATE at all.