What is difference between U-boot.bin and uImage.bin

Amit Singh Tomar picture Amit Singh Tomar · Sep 17, 2013 · Viewed 17.2k times · Source

I am confused between the u-boot.bin and uImage.bin. I guess uImage.bin is nothing but the compressed version of u-boot.bin and it size should be less than u-boot.bin. But in my build environment what I found is u-boot.bin size is lesser than uImage.bin.

Could anybody let me know what is difference between u-boot.bin and uImage.bin??


Ottavio Campana picture Ottavio Campana · Sep 18, 2013

uboot.bin is the bootloader, i.e. uboot, uImage.bin is the kernel image

Usually, in embedded systems the NAND flash is partitioned in four parts:

  1. A partition for the bootloader (here goes uboot.bin)
  2. A small partition where uboot saves its environment variables
  3. A partition for the kernel (here goes uImage.bin)
  4. A partition for the rootfs