Microsecond accurate (or better) process timing in Linux

rix0rrr picture rix0rrr · Oct 8, 2008 · Viewed 18.3k times · Source

I need a very accurate way to time parts of my program. I could use the regular high-resolution clock for this, but that will return wallclock time, which is not what I need: I needthe time spent running only my process.

I distinctly remember seeing a Linux kernel patch that would allow me to time my processes to nanosecond accuracy, except I forgot to bookmark it and I forgot the name of the patch as well :(.

I remember how it works though:

On every context switch, it will read out the value of a high-resolution clock, and add the delta of the last two values to the process time of the running process. This produces a high-resolution accurate view of the process' actual process time.

The regular process time is kept using the regular clock, which is I believe millisecond accurate (1000Hz), which is much too large for my purposes.

Does anyone know what kernel patch I'm talking about? I also remember it was like a word with a letter before or after it -- something like 'rtimer' or something, but I don't remember exactly.

(Other suggestions are welcome too)

The Completely Fair Scheduler suggested suggested by Marko is not what I was looking for, but it looks promising. The problem I have with it is that the calls I can use to get process time are still not returning values that are granular enough.

  • times() is returning values 21, 22, in milliseconds.
  • clock() is returning values 21000, 22000, same granularity.
  • getrusage() is returning values like 210002, 22001 (and somesuch), they look to have a bit better accuracy but the values look conspicuously the same.

So now the problem I'm probably having is that the kernel has the information I need, I just don't know the system call that will return it.


Will Mc picture Will Mc · Dec 30, 2008

See this question for some more info.

Something I've used for such things is gettimeofday(). It provides a structure with seconds and microseconds. Call it before the code, and again after. Then just subtract the two structs using timersub, and you can get the time it took in seconds from the tv_usec field.