I would like to grep out all instances of strings that start with the characters 'rs' (from just one file) and pipe the full string into a new file. I managed to get the count of the instances but I don't know how to get them into the new file:
grep -c rs < /home/Stephanie/this.txt
An example of a line in the file is:
1203823 forward efjdhgv rs124054t8 dhdfhfhs
12045345 back efjdkkjf rs12445368 dhdfhfhs
I just want to grab the rs string and move it to a ne file. Can someone help me out with the piping? I read around a bit but what I found wasn't particularly helpful to me. thanks
I'd suggest something like this:
egrep -o "(\s(rs\S+))" data.txt | cut -d " " -f 2 > newfile.txt
looks for something that starts with any whitespace character
and then searches for a string that starts with "rs" and is followed by any non-whitespace character
The results still have the white spaces in it, which we don't want, so we "cut" them out, before the content gets written to new file.