I need to extract the text from the layers in a photoshop PSD file on linux. Does anyone know how to do that? Gimp rasterizes the text and you can't copy and paste it. Also, note that I do not own the Photoshop program.
Have you tried using vim?
VIM comes with a flag that lets you edit a binary file.
I tried editing a PSD file with:
vim -b file.psd
This is an example of what I got when editing the file:
<dict> <key>com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMAdjustedPageRect</key> <array> <real>0.0</real> <real>0.0</real> <real>576</real> <real>734</real> </array> <key>com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag</key> <integer>0</integer> </dict>