What is a clean way to obtain Angstrom Linux to boot up and open the shell without asking to log in?
This simple answer took me hours to find. For those of you who don't have /etc/inittab the following worked for me. In
/etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/[email protected]
change the line
ExecStart=-/sbin/getty 115200 %I
ExecStart=-/sbin/getty -a USERNAME 115200 %I
I partially figured this out on my own from reading about getty in /etc/inittab, which led me to ExecStart on my system, and a quick google search led me to https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/42359/how-can-i-autologin-to-desktop-with-systemd which gave me the auto-login syntax of /sbin/getty.