Top "Lint" questions

Please tag questions about static analysis tools "static-analysis" unless they're actually about the Lint utility.

Why doesn't lint tell me the line number and nature of the parse error?

I'm calling php lint from a Windows batch file, like so: @echo off for %%f in (*.php) do php -l %%…

php lint
Difference between running lint via Android Studio menu and gradlew command-line

When I run the following on a command line: ./gradlew -lint I get different results than if I choose the …

android gradle android-studio lint gradlew
How to correctly declare a GraphQL query without parameters.

I'm using vs code + graphql-cli for validating & linting the schema. In the following declaration (in the graphql schema file): …

visual-studio-code graphql lint
Ignore several warnings in Android lint

I know I can ignore a rule in Lint with attribute tools:ignore My difficulty is that I want to …

android android-resources lint
How to suppress Android Lint warning in Gradle script

I have the following annoying warning in my Android Lint report: Gradle Dependency: Obsolete Gradle Dependency A newer version of …

android gradle lint suppress-warnings
Building a Cocoapod with Swift and dependency on Objective-C framework

I know there are already a few questions on this theme here on SO, but very few have accepted answers, …

ios swift cocoapods google-maps-sdk-ios lint