Top "Linker" questions

The linker is part of the toolchain for producing executables from source code written in compiled programming languages.

What is inside .lib file of Static library, Statically linked dynamic library and dynamically linked dynamic library?

What is inside of a .lib file of Static library, Statically linked dynamic library and dynamically linked dynamic library? How …

c++ dll linker static-libraries
LNK4075: ignoring '/EDITANDCONTINUE' due to '/OPT:ICF' specification

I recently converted a multi-project Visual Studio solution to use .dlls instead of .libs for each of the projects. However, …

c++ visual-studio dll linker linker-warning
What does the -all_load linker flag do?

I can't find anywhere what the -all_load flag do when compiling Objective-C code. I have some issues uploading binaries …

iphone objective-c gcc linker
Apple Mach-O Linker (Id) error

Got this error for the first time, I have looked around and cannot find a solution to help me, I …

iphone ios linker mach-o
Can I change 'rpath' in an already compiled binary?

I have an old executable that's scheduled for the scrap heap, but it's not there yet. It relies on some …

linux linker elf
Linking error: DSO missing from command line

I am rather new to Linux (using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit), coming from Windows, and am attempting to port over an …

linux linker x11 glfw nvcc
C++ extern keyword on functions. Why no just include the header file?

If I understand it correctly this means extern void foo(); that the function foo is declared in another translation unit. 1) …

c++ linker extern
g++ linker: force static linking if static library exists?

I've a program which links to many libraries. g++, by default, prefers to link to shared libraries, even if the …

c++ c linker g++ static-libraries
Linker error LNK2038: mismatch detected in Release mode

I am trying to port a small app of mine from Win XP and VS 2005 to Win 7 and VS 2010. The …

c++ visual-studio-2010 linker pcre release-mode
Linking using g++ fails searching for -lstdc++

I'm trying to use someone else's Makefile to complile a very simple c++ library. The makefile is as follows: JNIFLAGS=…

linker g++ makefile java-native-interface libstdc++