i am trying to generate access token to collect linkedin data. I followed the instructions provided in the linkedin API documentaion. I created an app in developers page and got the following:
Application Details
• Company:
• Application Name:
• API Key:
• Secret Key:
• OAuth User Token:
• OAuth User Secret:
Using the API Key i generated the authorization_code with the URL:
but when i finally tried to generate the access token using the below URL, i got an error response :
{"error_description":"missing required parameters, includes an invalid parameter value, parameter more than once. : Unable to retrieve access token : appId or redirect uri does not match authorization code or authorization code expired","error":"invalid_request"}
Even after multilple validations, the same error messages appears.
please help. thanks.
finally, i got the access token. The authorization code expires in 20 seconds, so the access token URL must be called immediately after generating the authorization code.