Top "Linkedhashmap" questions

LinkedHashMap is a Hash table and linked list implementation of the Map interface in the Java Standard library.

Does entrySet() in a LinkedHashMap also guarantee order?

I am using a linkedHashMap to guarantee order when someone tries to access it. However, when it comes time to …

java linkedhashmap
How do I get a keyIterator for a LinkedHashMap?

By looking at the source code for LinkedHashMaps from Sun, I see that there is a private class called KeyIterator, …

java iterator linkedhashmap
How to keep the order of elements in hashtable

I have a hashtable . values() method returns values in some order different from the order in which i am inserted.…

java hashtable linkedhashmap
Iterating through a LinkedHashMap in reverse order

I have a LinkedHashMap: LinkedHashMap<String, RecordItemElement> that I need to iterate through from a given key's position, …

java hashmap linkedhashmap
Jackson JSON + Java Generics get LinkedHashMap

I have a question which is similar to some questions at stackoverflow but none really answer my problem. I use …

java generics jackson generic-list linkedhashmap
LinkedHashMap LIFO or FIFO?

Is LinkedHashMap LIFO or FIFO in nature? If my map is of the form: map.put(1,"one"); map.put(2,"two"); …

java data-structures fifo linkedhashmap
How is the implementation of LinkedHashMap different from HashMap?

If LinkedHashMap's time complexity is same as HashMap's complexity why do we need HashMap? What are all the extra overhead …

java hashmap complexity-theory linkedhashmap
Method to extract all keys from LinkedHashMap into a List

I am working with many LinkedHashMap that are either LinkedHashMap<Long, Long>, LinkedHashMap<Long, Double> or …

java map hashmap key linkedhashmap
Sorting LinkedHashMap by value

How can you sort a LinkedHashMap using the value ? Is there a way to insert entries into a LinkedHashMap so …

java linkedhashmap
When to use linkedhashmap over hashmap in java?

What are the practical scenario for choosing among the linkedhashmap and hashmap? I have gone through working of each and …

java data-structures types hashmap linkedhashmap