Top "Link-to" questions

link_to is the method in Ruby on Rails that is used to create link tags within views.

Rails 3.2 using content_tag to generate a 'Delete' button with twitter-bootstrap icons

I'm trying to replicate the Delete button icon in this example using the Rails 3 content_tag method, within a nested …

ruby-on-rails-3 twitter-bootstrap link-to content-tag
Rails 3 - link_to with image_tag + text

<%= link_to ((image_tag 'image.png'), url_for({:controller => 'controller_name', :action => 'action_name'}), :class => 'quick', :…

ruby-on-rails-3 image link-to
Rails: "new or edit" path helper?

Is there a simple and straightforward way to provide a link in a view to either create a resource if …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 new-operator edit link-to
rails 3 render partial with params

I'm having a problem passing some parameters to a partial. No matter what I've tried the params don't pass when …

ruby-on-rails-3 link-to renderpartial param
link_to :action => 'create' going to index rather than 'create'

I am building a fairly simple recipe app to learn RoR, and I am attempting to allow a user to …

ruby-on-rails link-to
link_to delete url is not working

I have the following link_to delete url in my app <%=link_to "Delete",blog_path(, :method =&…

ruby-on-rails link-to form-helpers ruby-on-rails-3
Adding span tag in Rails link_to

I've looked on SO about how to add a <span> tag but I didn't see an example that …

html ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 link-to
Submit form using link_to in rails

I'm trying to submit a form using link_to as follows: <%= form_for(@post, :url=> '/post/action', :…

ruby-on-rails link-to
Ruby on Rails link_to With put Method

I'm new to Rails, and I'm trying to use the link_to helper to create a link that issues a …

ruby-on-rails link-to
call javascript function from haml link_to

I would like to invoke a javascript function (without JQuery) when the onclick even fires from a link_to tag …

javascript onclick haml link-to