Top "Limits" questions

Relates to any sort of limit applied to data or resources, e.g. limiting the size or value of a variable, limiting the rate of incoming traffic or CPU usage.

CSS: Is there a limit on how many classes an HTML element can have?

CSS allows an HTML element to have multiple classes: <div class="cat persian happy big"> Nibbles </div&…

html css limits
Where are the limits for Qt types?

Regularly, I could reference limits.h to see what the max is for a certain type, like an int or …

c++ qt limits numeric-limits
Remove minDate/maxDate limits in jQuery UI Datepicker

A simple issue, but I can't seem to find the answer. I've limited the date range in jQuery Datepicker: $( "#MyDatepicker" ).…

jquery-ui-datepicker date-range limits maxdate mindate
How do I increase the /proc/pid/cmdline 4096 byte limit?

For my Java apps with very long classpaths, I cannot see the main class specified near the end of the …

linux process classpath pid limits
linux limits.conf not working?

I configured /etc/security/limits.conf like this. user1 soft core 0 user1 hard core 0 Then, I rebooted the system and …

linux core limits
Resident Set Size (RSS) limit has no effect

The following problem occurs on a machine running Ubuntu 10.04 with the 2.6.32-22-generic kernel: Setting a limit for the Resident …

python resources limits pam ulimit
Practical Limits of ElasticSearch + Cassandra

I am planning on using ElasticSearch to index my Cassandra database. I am wondering if anyone has seen the practical …

cassandra elasticsearch limits
How to setting Core file size in Docker container?

I want to set core file size to unlimited in a Docker container. I tried changing limits.conf in container. …

docker coredump limits ulimit dockerfile
What is the maximum number of controls that a VBA form can hold?

I'm currently building an Excel 2003 app that requires a horribly complex form and am worried about limitations on the number …

forms vba excel excel-2003 limits