Top "Levenshtein-distance" questions

A metric for measuring the amount of difference between two sequences.

Edit distance between two graphs

I'm just wondering if, like for strings where we have the Levenshtein distance (or edit distance) between two strings, is …

algorithm language-agnostic levenshtein-distance edit-distance
Compare 5000 strings with PHP Levenshtein

I have 5000, sometimes more, street address strings in an array. I'd like to compare them all with levenshtein to find …

php database similarity street-address levenshtein-distance
Best way in php to find most similar strings?

Hell, PHP has a lot of string functions like levenshtein, similar_text and soundex that can compare strings for similarity. …

php matching levenshtein-distance
Weighted Damerau-Levenshtein in VBA

I'm building a private spellchecker for the Microsoft Office suite. I'm doing string comparisons of typos and their potential fixes …

excel levenshtein-distance vba
Levenshtein Distance: Inferring the edit operations from the matrix

I wrote Levenshtein algorithm in in C++ If I input: string s: democrat string t: republican I get the matrix …

algorithm levenshtein-distance
Modifying Levenshtein Distance algorithm to not calculate all distances

I'm working on a fuzzy search implementation and as part of the implementation, we're using Apache's StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance. At the …

java algorithm performance levenshtein-distance
Mongodb partial matching

How to get all documents in mongodb with one levenshtein distance. I have collection for football teams. { name: 'Real Madrir', …

javascript regex mongodb levenshtein-distance fuzzy-search
Normalizing the edit distance

I have a question that can we normalize the levenshtein edit distance by dividing the e.d value by the …

algorithm string-matching ranking levenshtein-distance edit-distance