Top "Lemmatization" questions

Lemmatization in linguistics is the process of grouping together the different inflected forms of a word so they can be analyzed as a single item.

Lemmatization of non-English words?

I would like to apply lemmatization to reduce the inflectional forms of words. I know that for English language WordNet …

python nltk information-retrieval information-extraction lemmatization
Multilingual NLTK for POS Tagging and Lemmatizer

Recently I approached to the NLP and I tried to use NLTK and TextBlob for analyzing texts. I would like …

python nlp nltk pos-tagger lemmatization
Lemmatization of a list of words

So I have a list of words in a text file. I want to perform lemmatization on them to remove …

python nltk lemmatization
WordNetLemmatizer not returning the right lemma unless POS is explicit - Python NLTK

I'm lemmatizing the Ted Dataset Transcript. There's something strange I notice: Not all words are being lemmatized. To say, selected …

python nlp nltk wordnet lemmatization