Top "Least-squares" questions

Refers to a general estimation technique that selects the parameter value to minimize the squared difference between two quantities, such as the observed value of a variable, and the expected value of that observation conditioned on the parameter value.

Fit points to a plane algorithms, how to iterpret results?

Update: I have modified the Optimize and Eigen and Solve methods to reflect changes. All now return the "same" vector …

python numpy least-squares svd
Least squares circle fitting using MATLAB Optimization Toolbox

I am trying to implement least squares circle fitting following this paper (sorry I can't publish it). The paper states, …

matlab mathematical-optimization least-squares bsxfun
fitting a linear surface with numpy least squares

So I want to solve the equation z= a + b*y +c*x,. getting a,b,c. ie: making a (…

python numpy least-squares geometry-surface