Top "Leaflet" questions

Leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly, cross-browser, interactive maps.

Simple label on a leaflet (geojson) polygon

I am attempting what I imagine to be a fairly common use-case with a leaflet multipolygon object. I create the …

javascript mapping openlayers leaflet
Leaflet.js fitBounds with padding?

I'm trying to set the fitBounds option in a leaflet map like this: var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds([[Math.max(…

What are Leaflet and Mapbox, and what are their differences?

What are Leaflet and Mapbox, and what are the differences or usages of both? What are the main differences in …

api dictionary leaflet mapbox
Click link inside Leaflet Popup and do Javascript

I have a leaflet map up and running. It overlays a series of polygons (via GeoJSON) on the map and …

javascript jquery leaflet
get latitude & longitude as per address given for leaflet

In my project I am using leaflet to display points. I am getting address from my database & want to …

javascript leaflet
Leaflet.js: detecting when map finishes zooming

So i'm making this application with leafet.js. This application requires that i have to manually draw grids onto the …

javascript asynchronous leaflet
Assign ID to marker in leaflet

So i try to achieve a result as on foursquare:…

javascript html css maps leaflet
Get the bounding box of the visible leaflet map?

I have a leaflet map that pans and zooms. How can I dynamically get the lat/long of the edges …

Leaflet.js center the map on a group of markers

I'm using Leaflet.js and would like some way to centre the map on the markers I have so that …

leaflet markers
How to locate leaflet zoom control in a desired position

I want to place the zoom control in middle right of the the map i.e. in the middle of …
