fitBounds of markers with Leaflet

Moshi picture Moshi · Dec 12, 2014 · Viewed 9.8k times · Source

I have a array of markers named markersand i add those markers in map using LeafletJs


Now i want to focus on a viewport that covers all markers

var bounds = L.latLngBounds(markers);
 map.fitBounds(bounds, { padding: [20, 20] });

Why i get Cannot read property 'lat' of undefined error message in map.fitBounds(bounds, { padding: [20, 20] }); line.


iH8 picture iH8 · Dec 12, 2014

The reason you're getting an error is because L.LatLngBounds expects two L.LatLng objects as parameter, not an array of markers, as you can see in the documentation. I would suggest using L.FeatureGroup, it's extended from L.LayerGroup but has some extras. It has a getBounds method, which will do exactly what you need, calculate the bounds according to all of the features added to the group. So you could do:

var featureGroup = L.featureGroup(markers).addTo(map);

Here's a working example on Plunker: