What is the difference between OpenDS, OpenDJ and OpenAM?

Santosh Mondal picture Santosh Mondal · Jan 25, 2015 · Viewed 14.6k times · Source

Hie Please explain which to use when, OpenDS OpenDJ OpenAM. Thanks.


Ludovic Poitou picture Ludovic Poitou · Jan 26, 2015

OpenDJ is an open source project building LDAP and REST base Directory Services. OpenDJ is continuing in open source the development of OpenDS, a project that was started by Sun Microsystems, but abandoned by Oracle.

OpenAM is an open source Authentication, Authorization, Web Single Sign On, Federation solution that is flexible, extensible and highly scalable. For its configuration management, OpenAM embeds OpenDJ. For its user stores, it relies on LDAP directory servers, and is very well integrated with OpenDJ.

[Disclosure: I am product manager at ForgeRock, the company that supports and commercializes OpenDJ and OpenAM]