Top "Lazy-loading" questions

object until the point at which it is needed.

Progressive loading in ng-repeat for images, angular js

How do I implement progressive loading of content as you scroll down the page? Otherwise 1000 images would load at the …

angularjs lazy-loading angularjs-ng-repeat progressive
Best options for an AngularJS Tree Grid

For a while now, I've been looking for a Tree Grid that works nicely with AngularJS and haven't had a …

angularjs gridview treeview lazy-loading
How to test whether lazy loaded JPA collection is initialized?

I have a service that gets a JPA entity from outside code. In this service I would like to iterate …

java hibernate jpa lazy-loading
lazy loading: progressive vs on-demand

This is a conceptual question. In my particular case, I am using slick.js to create an image carousel for …

javascript jquery lazy-loading
How to query data for Primefaces dataTable using lazy loading and pagination

In my JSF's datatable I have implemented lazy loading and when I paginate through records it is taking time about 4 …

hibernate jpa primefaces pagination lazy-loading
What is the use of the Hibernate @LazyCollection annotation

I have 2 entities as Parent and Child as OneToMany relation as @Entity public class Parent { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) …

java performance hibernate orm lazy-loading
Combining jQuery Isotope and Lazy Load

Have started a project using jQuery Isotope. Initially integrated with Infinite scroll, but thought it was a little clunky. Was …

javascript jquery html lazy-loading jquery-isotope
Clarifying terminology - What does "hydrating" a JPA or Hibernate entity mean when fetching the entity from the DB

In the context of ORM / Lazy loading of entities, my understanding of the term "Hydration" is as follows: "Hydrating" describes …

java hibernate jpa orm lazy-loading
Lazy<T>: "The function evaluation requires all threads to run"

I have a static class with some static properties. I initialized all of them in a static constructor, but then …

c# visual-studio visual-studio-2010 lazy-loading visual-studio-debugging
Force eager loading of otherwise lazy loaded properties

I've got a Hibernate object which's properties are all loaded lazy. Most of these properties are other Hibernate objects or …

java hibernate lazy-loading eager-loading