Top "Layout" questions

The layout tag is for questions about the placement, alignment and justification of objects with respect to a containing element.

Android Studio: Creating landscape layouts

Until recently I used Eclipse, and in Eclipse I simply created a folder /res/layout-landscape and put alternate landscape layouts …

android layout android-studio android-resources
How to refresh a GridView?

I have a GridView which is pretty similar to the Google tutorial, except that I want to add the ImageViews …

android xml gridview layout
Android: Last line of textview cut off

I have a horizontal LinearLayout containing a TextView followed by a Spinner next to it. This LinearLayout is dynamically inflated …

android layout textview layout-inflater
Aligning controls on both left and right side in a stack panel in WPF

I have the following code: <DockPanel> <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top" Orientation="Horizontal"> <RadioButton Content="_Programs" …

wpf xaml layout alignment stackpanel
How to scale SVG image to fill browser window?

This seems like it ought to be easy, but I'm just not getting something. I want to make an HTML …

layout xhtml svg scaling aspect-ratio
How can I swap positions of two open files (in splits) in vim?

Assume I've got some arbitrary layout of splits in vim. ____________________ | one | two | | | | | |______| | | three| | | | |___________|______| Is there a way to swap one …

layout editor split vim
Understand convertRect:toView:, convertRect:FromView:, convertPoint:toView: and convertPoint:fromView: methods

I'm trying to understand the functionalities of these methods. Could you provide me a simple usecase to understand theirs semantics? …

ios layout uiview
Can I add a component to a specific grid cell when a GridLayout is used?

When I set the GridLayout to the JPanel and then add something, it is added subsequently in the "text order" (…

java user-interface swing layout jpanel
Qt Layout on QMainWindow

I designed a QMainWindow with QtCreator's designer. It consists of the default central widget (a QWidget) which contains a QVBoxLayout …

qt layout qt-designer
How to get a height of a Widget?

I don't understand how LayoutBuilder is used to get the height of a Widget. I need to display the list …

flutter dart layout widget flutter-widget