Top "Layout-inflater" questions

The layout-inflater tag refers to the Android LayoutInflater class which is used to build a view hierarchy from an xml layout file.

What is the difference between setContentView and LayoutInflater?

I am creating a tabs list with several fragments. I have noticed that, in the main activity, I used setContentView …

android layout xml-parsing android-lifecycle layout-inflater
Duplicate Views on Android during Run-time

I have created a Layout file for an activity. In this layout I have created a LinearLayout with a textview …

android view layout-inflater
Google Map V2 android error Inflating class fragment error

I am creating an application with tab and I have map in one of the tab, when I open map …

android google-maps android-fragments android-fragmentactivity layout-inflater
Can't convert to dimension: type=0x1 when running app on Android 4.1

I recently started to use genymotion instead of classic Android virtual device, but I have some issues with it.. When …

android android-layout layout-inflater
Create or inflate views programmatically in a RecyclerView OnCreateViewHolder

Basically I wanted to create a layout or inflate a layout programatically with a RecyclerView, but was unable to do …

android android-recyclerview layout-inflater
How to add an inflated view to a linear layout

How do you inflate a view and add it to a the list of child views of a LinearLayout?

android layout-inflater
App crashing when using fragments

Im working with fragments and.. Ive got a problem in my code that I just cant find. The logcat points …

android class android-fragments android-fragmentactivity layout-inflater
How to get context in getView of adapter for listview

I have three questions: I am using getApplicationContext unlike all the examples I have seen which just say context. How …

android listview fonts layout-inflater typeface
Error inflating class de.hdodenhof.circleimageview.CircleImageView in Android version 6 marshmallow

I created an app which uses this hdodenhof CircleImageview library. My app works fine on Android 7 and 7.1 but it is …

android android-layout android-xml android-6.0-marshmallow layout-inflater
Create a Generic Base Adapter?

I am interested in creating a generic BaseAdapter which will apply to any ListView having any list_item . And it …

android baseadapter layout-inflater