Managing data about geographic point locations, using a latitude-longitude pair (degrees north/south, and east/west, respectively) per point.
I’ve got a database full of UK Postcodes, now I’d like to be able to store the latitude …
php open-source google-maps latitude-longitude postal-codeit is possible? i tryed: from geopy.point import Point from geopy import geocoders [...] p = Point(Latitude, Longitude) lat, lon, …
python latitude-longitude geopyI have Gmaps embedded in my site which pulls out a list of dealers from my database around the world …
maps google-maps-markers latitude-longitude countriesHow can i calculate delta-latitude and delta-longitude values form latitude and longitude values for MapView component in React-Native. Thank You
android-mapview latitude-longitude react-native deltaI have a location (latitude & longitude). How can I get a list of zipcodes that are either partially or …
c# .net-3.5 geolocation latitude-longitude zipcodeI have a MySQL table with columns latitude, longitude, userId and radius. When the user provides his current location (lat, …
php mysql latitude-longitude geofencingI've got a dataset with latitude and longitude which I'd like to convert to the state plane coordinates for Illinois …
r gis latitude-longitude rgdalI would like to be more specific about what I want to do. I get coordinates in ECI and I …
tracking latitude-longitude coordinate-systems satellite utmI want to store latitude and longitude values of places in a mysql database table. With the future in mind …
mysql spatial latitude-longitudeI want to convert latitude 40.7127837, longitude -74.0059413 and to the following format N 40°42'46.0218" W 74°0'21.3876" What is the best …
java android google-maps latitude-longitude android-gps