Remove section numbers latex

Katarina  picture Katarina · Jul 10, 2016 · Viewed 10.8k times · Source

I have a problem with section numbering in latex. I want to remove the section numbers from headings and contents but I want the numbers to be there for lemmas, theorems etc. I want it to look like:

 Section Whatever
   Some unimportant text.

 Section Whatever else
   Another unimportant text.
   Lemma 2.1
   Theorem 2.2 

 Section Whatever again
   Theorem 3.1

How can I do it? I tried


but it removes the numbers even from lemmas and theorems. Thank you very much :)


Werner picture Werner · Jul 10, 2016

Under the default article class we can merely remove the formatting applied to the section counter by adding


to the preamble. This will remove all sectional title numbering (\sections, \subsections, \subsubsections, ...), yet keep them where they are references or whenever \thesection is used.

enter image description here


\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section]% Theorems numbered by section
\newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{Lemma}% Lemma uses theorem's counter



\section{Section whatever}
Some uninportant text.

\section{Section whatever else}
Another uninportant text.

Some lemma.

Some theorem.

\section{Section whatever again}
Another theorem.
