how to rename sections in latex

qwerty picture qwerty · Jun 26, 2010 · Viewed 21.1k times · Source

How can i give another name to the main sections of a scientific paper in Latex? So instead of 'References' i wanna write a different title, instead of 'Abstract' another, and so on.



David Z picture David Z · Jun 26, 2010

Redefine any of the following commands:

  • Abstract: \abstractname
  • Appendix: \appendixname
  • Bibliography: \bibname
  • Chapter: \chaptername
  • Contents: \contentsname
  • Index: \indexname
  • List of Figures: \listfigurename
  • List of Tables: \listtablename
  • Part: \partname
  • References: \refname

So, for example,

\renewcommand\refname{My References}

The list comes from The LaTeX Companion, 2nd edition, page 34.