Center Latex lstlisting

BrunoB picture BrunoB · Jun 24, 2010 · Viewed 41.2k times · Source

This is driving me crazy.

I want to center a lstlisting in LaTeX.

After 3 hours attempting here's some code:

\lstset{ %
    caption=Descriptive Caption Text,
printf("this should be centered!");

This is putting the lstlisting on the center but not its caption, that goes to the right. If I take out the tabular, then caption gets centered but the code goes to the left! :(

Thank you.


user1460856 picture user1460856 · Oct 11, 2013

Instead of using linewidth you should consider to use xleftmargin and xrightmargin (cf. texdoc listings, Chapter 4.10). The following code works without any center or minipage environment:

  caption=Descriptive Caption Text, 
  basicstyle=\footnotesize, frame=tb,
  xleftmargin=.2\textwidth, xrightmargin=.2\textwidth
    printf("this should be centered!");