Create own BibTeX style or customize existing one?

cupakob picture cupakob · Oct 30, 2009 · Viewed 10.5k times · Source

I'm looking for a way to define new BibTeX style or to customize existing one. I have two reasons for this:

  1. I want the author names/editors to be italic (for articles in book, book, magazines, encyclopedia etc)
  2. I want numbers at the beginning


  1. Secondname, B. Book title. Place Year. Site number.
  2. Article author, A. Article title. In: Book author, B, Book title, Place Year, site number.

Any suggestions?

P.S.: The OS is Ubuntu.


robince picture robince · Oct 30, 2009

I'd recommend biblatex. It's not included yet with most TeX distributions at the authors request, but it is completely usable and very well documented. I think it will be less painful to use to get what you want, and also a better investment for the future as I think biblatex will quickly become the favored standard once it has it's 1.0 release.