Top "Large-data" questions

Large data is data that is difficult to process and manage because its size is usually beyond the limits of the software being used to perform the analysis.

Mean value and standard deviation of a very huge data set

I am wondering if there is an algorithm that calculates the mean value and standard deviation of an unbound data …

algorithm statistics mean numerics large-data
Parallel.ForEach can cause a "Out Of Memory" exception if working with a enumerable with a large object

I am trying to migrate a database where images were stored in the database to a record in the database …

c# out-of-memory task-parallel-library large-data
Dealing with huge data in select boxes

Hi I am using jQuery and retrieving "items" from one of my mySQL tables. I have around 20,000 "items" in that …

jquery html-select large-data
Split large excel file by number of rows

I have a large excel file with about 3000 rows. I would like to split this data into groups of 100 rows …

excel split large-data
D3: How to show large dataset

I've a large dataset comprises 10^5 data points. And now I'm considering the following question related to large dataset: Is there …

d3.js large-data
Using index on inner join table in MySQL

I have table Foo with 200 million records and table Bar with 1000 records, they are connected many-to-one. There are indexes for …

mysql indexing inner-join large-data
How to plot with a png as background?

I made a plot with a 3 million points and saved it as PNG. It took a few hours and I …

r data-visualization large-data
Red Black Tree versus B Tree

I have a project in which I have to achieve fast search, insert and delete operations on data ranging from …

data-structures b-tree red-black-tree file-mapping large-data
What is the difference between laravel cursor and laravel chunk method?

I would like to know what is the difference between laravel chunk and laravel cursor method. Which method is more …

php database laravel cursor large-data
SELECT COUNT() vs mysql_num_rows();

I have a large table (60+) millions of records. I'm using PHP script to navigate through this table. PHP script (with …

php mysql select optimization large-data