I want to change the table name and some column names of laravel auth table.
What steps do I take or which code do I edit without breaking something?
I tried this before, and registration worked, but login didn't. Whenever I tried to log in, I got redirected back to the login page.
You can follow the below given steps:
input text field name to email_address
.With the above all steps, we are ready with View part now let's start with customising the Auth
Now open config/auth.php
'model' => App\User::class,
to 'model' => App\Account:class
inside providers
array.Now we need to add new function inside app/Http/Auth/LoginController.php like below:
public function username(){ return 'email_address'; // this string is column of accounts table which we are going use for login }
Now we are done with all adjustment, you can test the functionality.
I have tested the functionality and its working like charm :)