How to cancel queued job in Laravel or Redis

Ryan picture Ryan · Jan 15, 2018 · Viewed 20.1k times · Source

How can I browse all the pending jobs within my Redis queue so that I could cancel the Mailable that has a certain emailAddress-sendTime pair?

I'm using Laravel 5.5 and have a Mailable that I'm using successfully as follows:

$sendTime = Carbon::now()->addHours(3);
      ->bcc([config('mail.supportTeam.address'), config('mail.main.address')])
                    ->later($sendTime, new MyCustomMailable($subject, $dataForMailView));

When this code runs, a job gets added to my Redis queue.

I've already read the Laravel docs but remain confused.

How can I cancel a Mailable (prevent it from sending)?

I'd love to code a webpage within my Laravel app that makes this easy for me.

Or maybe there are tools that already make this easy (maybe FastoRedis?)? In that case, instructions about how to achieve this goal that way would also be really helpful. Thanks!


I've tried browsing the Redis queue using FastoRedis, but I can't figure out how to delete a Mailable, such as the red arrow points to here: enter image description here


Look at the comprehensive answer I provided below.


Sangar82 picture Sangar82 · Feb 9, 2018

Make it easier.

Don't send an email with the later option. You must dispatch a Job with the later option, and this job will be responsible to send the email.

Inside this job, before send the email, check the emailAddress-sendTime pair. If is correct, send the email, if not, return true and the email won't send and the job will finish.