I am using carbon to compare 2 dates with today's date, however I also have another field in a database called weekday which contains values like:
'MO' 'TU' 'WE'
So I don't only want to search and output by dates but also search by a weekday so:
public function show($id)
$today = Carbon::now();
$weekday = //whatever carbon or something else has to retrieve today's day
$event = Event::with('businesses')
->where('startdate', '<', $today->format('Y-m-d'))
->where('endate', '>', $today->format('Y-m-d'))
//or where ('weekday') = $weekday?
return view('events.showEvent', compact('event'));
I'm not sure that Carbon has such formatting, but what you could do is get the wekkday from a map of days and the current week day constant:
$weekMap = [
0 => 'SU',
1 => 'MO',
2 => 'TU',
3 => 'WE',
4 => 'TH',
5 => 'FR',
6 => 'SA',
$dayOfTheWeek = Carbon::now()->dayOfWeek;
$weekday = $weekMap[$dayOfTheWeek];