Laravel 5.4 - Mix - How to run browser live reload

Selim Mahmud picture Selim Mahmud · Feb 5, 2017 · Viewed 25.3k times · Source

I am using Laravel 5.4 in my project and trying to set up the frontend build system using Mix. Everything is working fine except I could not be able to get browser auto reload option. There is nothing about it on documentation.

Someone please help, how can I achieve that?


Edu Ruiz picture Edu Ruiz · Feb 7, 2017

Important update!

forget about what I said before, now laravel mix is updated and with some improvements in the functionality and the documentation.

now you can simple:


// Or:

    proxy: ''

and then npm run watch and you are good to go!

if you want to update your webpack version, change the version on the package.json to *:

"laravel-mix": "*",

and run npm update laravel-mix.

please check the mix updated documentation on github

Important update end

according to the documentation you just need to run npm run hot on your project and in your script or style-sheet reference use:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ mix('css/app.css') }}">

so the mix() function will point your assets url to http://localhost:8080/.

buuuuuuuut... That's just what the documentation say as you can see here. I can't make it work on a laravel fresh install running arch linux, everything compiles as it should and the mix() function are pointing to 8080 but nothing is injected, I'm back in Ctrl+R age.

hope you have more luck!