Top "Laravel" questions

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern and based on Symfony.

Laravel 4 Eloquent Query Using WHERE with OR AND OR?

How do I say WHERE (a = 1 OR b =1 ) AND (c = 1 OR d = 1) For more complicated queries am I supposed to …

php laravel eloquent laravel-query-builder
How to select specific columns in laravel eloquent

lets say I have 7 columns in table, and I want to select only two of them, something like this SELECT `…

laravel laravel-5 orm eloquent
laravel throwing MethodNotAllowedHttpException

I am trying to get something very basic running. I am used to CI and now learning Laravel 4, and their …

routing laravel laravel-4
Facebook OAuth "The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domain"

Let me first start with saying I've searched for an answer to this question for quite some time... I'm trying …

facebook laravel facebook-graph-api oauth laravel-socialite
Select Last Row in the Table

I would like to retrieve the last file inserted into my table. I know that the method first() exists and …

laravel eloquent
Creating and Update Laravel Eloquent

What's the shorthand for inserting a new record or updating if it exists? <?php $shopOwner = ShopMeta::where('shopId', '=…

php laravel eloquent laravel-query-builder
Eloquent Collection: Counting and Detect Empty

This may be a trivial question but I am wondering if Laravel recommends a certain way to check whether an …

laravel laravel-4 eloquent laravel-collection
Using CSS in Laravel views?

I've just began learning Laravel, and can do the basics of a controller and routing. My OS is Mac OS …

php frameworks laravel
Laravel Eloquent groupBy() AND also return count of each group

I have a table that contains, amongst other columns, a column of browser versions. And I simply want to know …

laravel laravel-4 eloquent
How do you check "if not null" with Eloquent?

How do you check if a field is not null with Eloquent? I tried Model::where('sent_at', 'IS NOT', …

laravel eloquent