Top "Laravel-3" questions

Laravel 3 is the outdated version of the open-source framework for PHP web development created by Taylor Otwell.

Why don't large files download easily in Laravel?

My file (126 MB size, .exe) is giving me issues. I'm using the standard laravel download method. I tried increasing the …

php laravel laravel-3
Testing laravel controllers with JSON request body

I am trying to write a phpunit test for a Laravel controller which expects post requests with a body in …

angularjs laravel phpunit laravel-3
Where can I get a complete list of Laravel events (fired by the core libraries)?

I want to know what events are fired by Laravel core libraries. I want to get the complete list, such …

php laravel laravel-3
Breakpoints not hit with xdebug, PhpStorm and Laravel 3 / mod_rewrite

I'm pretty desperate and running out of ideas: I've configured xdebug and PhpStorm for a Laravel 3 project. Running the project …

laravel xdebug phpstorm laravel-3
How to show Validation message in Controller?

I have tried showing an error message in a Controller and it doesn't work, but when I use dd, it …

php laravel laravel-3
Print the values on server side in Laravel Php

I am totally new to PHP and Laravel Framework.I want to print the variables in Laravel on server side …

php laravel laravel-4 laravel-3
Laravel Migrations - Table Prefix Issue

I'm building a dummy site to test Laravel 3.x. I'm creating my site migrations right now. Everything was doing just …

php migration laravel laravel-3
How I Prevent Browser's Back Button Login After Logout

My problem is i can logout properly after i click to logout link but if i click to back button …

laravel laravel-4 laravel-5 laravel-3
Username as subdomain on laravel

I've set up a wildcard subdomain * & i'm using the following .htaccess: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{…

php .htaccess mod-rewrite laravel laravel-3
Artisan: Could not find driver

I'm using Laravel last version: 3.2.1. When I run this on terminal: php artisan migration:install I have this error: could …

php laravel laravel-3 laravel-artisan