Top "Language-comparisons" questions

Questions comparing two or more programming or markup languages against each other.

Assign console.log value to a variable

How can I assign a JavaScript object to a variable which was printed using console.log? I am in Chrome …

javascript ruby console.log language-comparisons
Comparing R to Matlab for Data Mining

Instead of starting to code in Matlab, I recently started learning R, mainly because it is open-source. I am currently …

r matlab machine-learning data-mining language-comparisons
F# vs Haskell vs Lisp - which language to learn?

I've heard a lot about functional programming languages and I'm willing to learn one. I guess it will be mostly …

c# haskell f# lisp language-comparisons
Should I learn Haskell or F# if I already know OCaml?

I am wondering if I should continue to learn OCaml or switch to F# or Haskell. Here are the criteria …

haskell f# ocaml language-comparisons
What are the PowerShell equivalents of Bash's && and || operators?

In Bash I can easily do something like command1 && command2 || command3 which means to run command1 and if …

bash powershell language-comparisons
Iterate a format string over a list

In Lisp, you can have something like this: (setf my-stuff '(1 2 "Foo" 34 42 "Ni" 12 14 "Blue")) (format t "~{~d ~r ~s~%~}" my-stuff) …

python formatting iteration language-comparisons
Is there const in C?

This question may be naive, but: is there const keyword in C? since which version? are there any semantic and/…

c++ c constants language-comparisons
What is the equivalent in PHP for Python's pass statement?

Do you know any PHP statement that works like Python's pass statement?

php python language-comparisons
Java-like Collections in PHP

I'm learning PHP5 (last time I checked PHP was in PHP4 days) and I'm glad to see that PHP5 OO …

java php collections language-comparisons