What is a LAMP stack?

Eli picture Eli · Apr 8, 2012 · Viewed 156.8k times · Source

Can someone tell me what the term LAMP Stack means? I have seen this reference in job postings, but don't fully understand the meaning of it.

I feel like in my development I use LAMP fairly commonly, but when I hear "stack" I feel like I am not using a LAMP environment as I should be.

I know what LAMP means, just wanted to know what the term "stack" tacked on meant.


Authman Apatira picture Authman Apatira · Apr 8, 2012

The reason they call it a stack is because each level derives off it's base layer. Your Operating system, Linux, is the base layer. Then Apache, your web daemon sits on top of your OS. Then your database stores all the information served by your web daemon, and PHP (or any P* scripting language) is used to drive and display all the data, and allow for user interaction.

Don't be overly concerned with the term 'stack'. People really just mean software suite or bundle, but you're using it just fine I am sure as you are.