install proxmox from usb device error

Asier Gomez picture Asier Gomez · May 9, 2016 · Viewed 9.4k times · Source

I try to install Proxmox using a USB, and when I click to install, I see the next error:

testing cdrom /dev/sr0
umount: can't umount /mnt: Invalid argument
testing again in 5 seconds


no cdrom found - unable to continue (type exit or CTRL-D to reboot)

I prepare the USB using ImageUSB in Windows, and it does have the previous fail, then I try to prepare in Ubuntu using dd if=pve-cd.iso of=/dev/XYZ bs=1M, I don't know where is the problem.


Tonmoy picture Tonmoy · May 8, 2018

For someone out there still having similar issue, use below method to create the installation media. That should help.

Instructions for Windows

Download Etcher from , select the ISO and your USB Drive. If this doesn’t work, alternatively use the OSForensics USB installer from

Instructions for GNU/Linux

You can simply use dd on UNIX like systems. First download the ISO image, then plug in the USB stick. You need to find out what device name gets assigned to the USB stick (see below). Then run:

dd if=proxmox-ve_*.iso of=/dev/XYZ bs=1M

Note: Be sure to replace /dev/XYZ with the correct device name. Caution: Be very careful, and do not overwrite the hard disk!

Instructions from: