I'd like to allow our developers to pass dynamic arguments to a helm template (Kubernetes job). Currently my arguments in the helm template are somewhat static (apart from certain values) and look like this
select * from db
If I were run a task using the docker container without Kubernetes, I would pass parameters like so:
docker run my-image --arg1 value1 --arg2 value2 --sql-cmd "select * from db"
Is there any way to templatize arguments in a helm chart in such way that any number of arguments could be passed to a template.
For example.
cat values.yaml
arguments: --arg1 value1 --arg2 value2 --sql-cmd "select * from db"
cat values.yaml
arguments: --arg3 value3
I've tried a few approaches but was not successful. Here is one example:
{{ range .Values.arguments }}
{{ . }}
{{ end }}
Yes. In values.yaml
you need to give it an array instead of a space delimited string.
cat values.yaml
arguments: ['--arg3', 'value3', '--arg2', 'value2']
cat values.yaml
- --arg3
- value3
- --arg2
- value2
and then you like you mentioned in the template should do it:
{{ range .Values.arguments }}
- {{ . }}
{{ end }}
If you want to override the arguments on the command line you can pass an array with --set
like this:
--set arguments={--arg1, value1, --arg2, value2, --arg3, value3, ....}