In my gcloud console it shows the following error for my defined ingresses:
Error during sync: error while evaluating the ingress spec: service "monitoring/kube-prometheus" is type "ClusterIP", expected "NodePort" or "LoadBalancer"
I am using traefik as reverse proxy (instead of nginx) and therefore I define an ingress using a ClusterIP. As far as I understand the process all traffic is proxied through the traefik service (which has a Loadbalancer ingress defined) and therefore all my other ingresses SHOULD actually have a ClusterIP instead of NodePort or Loadbalancer?
So why does Google Cloud warn me that it expected a NodePort or LoadBalancer?
Thanks @aayore. In my case, I had to specify an ingress class explicitly, so that Google Cloud wouldn't interfere. The Nginx ingress seems to be happy with ClusterIp
name: foo
annotations: "nginx"