Updating kubernetes helm values

Stan Bondi picture Stan Bondi · Feb 22, 2018 · Viewed 39k times · Source

I'd like to update a value config for a helm release on my cluster.

Something like

helm update -f new_values.yml nginx-controller


Stan Bondi picture Stan Bondi · Feb 27, 2018
helm upgrade -f ingress-controller/values.yml nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress

Or more generally:

helm upgrade -f new-values.yml {release name} {package name or path} --version {fixed-version}

The command above does the job.

Unless you manually specify the version with the --version {fixed-version} argument, upgrade will also update the chart version. You can find the current chart version with helm ls.

Docs: https://helm.sh/docs/helm/#helm-upgrade