I started the claster on a Google compute engine with the help of a kube-up.sh. This script created the master node and minion group. After i dont need it anymore i want to stop a cluster and shutdown all VMs in order not waste money for working of instanses. When i shutdown it (i just shut down all my cluster VMs, because i dont know another way to do it) and then start again in some time my cluster wont work anymore. "kubectl get nodes" dispalays not correct information about nodes ( For example i have A B C nodes == minions, it displays only D that even does not exist) and all comands works very very slow. Maybe i shutdown it not correct. How propery stop cluster and stop VMs in order to start it again in some time? (not delete)
What cluster i have:
kubernetes-master | us-central1-b
kubernetes-minion-group-nq7f | us-central1-b
kubernetes-minion-group-gh5k | us-central1-b
What displays "kubectl get nodes" command:
[root@common frest0512]# kubectl get nodes
kubernetes-master Ready,SchedulingDisabled 7h v1.8.0
kubernetes-minion-group-02s7 Ready 7h v1.8.0
kubernetes-minion-group-92rn Ready 7h v1.8.0
kubernetes-minion-group-kn2c Ready 7h v1.8.0
Before shutdowning master node it was displayed correct (names and count of minions were the same).
Thanks to Carlos for the tip.
You can follow steps below to detach all active nodes from Kubernetes cluster.
1- Go to Kubernetes Engine dashboard and select the cluster.
2- Go to details and click edit, set pool size to zero (0).
3- Validate nodes are shutting down at Compute Engine dashboard