Top "Kubectl" questions

The Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl, allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters.

Kubernetes share a directory from your local system to kubernetes container

Is there any way to share the directory/files to kubernetes container from your local system? I have a deployment …

kubernetes kubectl minikube
Kubenetes POD delete with Pattern Match or Wilcard

When I am using below it deletes the running POD after matching the pattern from commandline: kubectl get pods -n …

kubernetes kubectl kubernetes-pod
kubectl run --command vs -- arguments

I was a little confused with below command: kubectl run busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never -o yaml --dry-run -- /bin/…

kubernetes arguments command kubectl busybox
AWS EKS "is not authorized to perform: iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole"

I have followed the documentation for spinning up an EKS cluster that says to make a service role with certain …

amazon-web-services kubernetes kubectl amazon-eks
Can I set a default namespace in Kubernetes?

Can I set the default namespace? That is: $ kubectl get pods -n NAMESPACE It saves me having to type it …

kubernetes kubectl
Kafka deployment on minikube

Hi i am new to kubernets, i am using minikube single node cluster for local development and testing. Host: Ubuntu 16.04 …

apache-kafka kubernetes kubectl minikube kafkacat
kubectl : --dry-run is deprecated and can be replaced with --dry-run=client

I have aws-eks cluster and below is my command to replace existing the configuration. kubectl create configmap flink-config --from-file=./config …

kubernetes kubectl amazon-eks kubeconfig
How can we create service dependencies using kubernetes

I have 2 services. One containing 2 pod replicas for a web application which is dependent on another backend service having pod (2 …

kubernetes kubectl kubernetes-helm
Kubernetes RBAC - forbidden attempt to grant extra privileges

I'm using Kubernetes v1.8.14 on custom built CoreOS cluster: $ kubectl version --short Client Version: v1.10.5 Server Version: v1.8.14+coreos.0 When …

kubernetes kubectl coreos rbac
Error while applying JSON Patch to Kubernetes Custom Resource

I have an instance of a Kubernetes Custom Resource that I want to patch via the Kubernetes API using a …

kubernetes kubectl kubernetes-custom-resources