Lets say we have a class like this:
class Whatever {
private var something = false
fun aMethod(): Int {
return if( something ) {
} else {
According to the documentation, it looks like I should be able to do the following:
val classUnderTest = spyk(Whatever())
every { classUnderTest getProperty "something" } returns true
but instead I get the error: io.mockk.MockKException: Missing calls inside every { ... } block
I'm using mockk 1.8.5, kotlin 1.2.51
Try to use answers instead of returns, like this:
val mock = spyk(MockCls(), recordPrivateCalls = true)
every { mock.property } answers { fieldValue }
every { mock getProperty "property" } propertyType Int::class answers { fieldValue + 6 }
every { mock setProperty "property" value any<Int>() } propertyType Int::class answers { fieldValue += value }
every { mock.property = any() } propertyType Int::class answers {
fieldValue = value + 1
} andThen {
fieldValue = value - 1