Top "Knex.js" questions


How to ensure the Knex connection in nodejs

I am using NodeJS, Express, and MySQL for my project and want to use Bookshelf ORM with it. Bookshelf uses …

javascript node.js knex.js bookshelf.js
knex migration creating foreign key

I tried the code in the link to create FK: how to do knex.js migration I got an error …

Alias a table in Knex

I have a SQL query that refers to the same table twice, and I need to alias the table to …

sql left-join inner-join knex.js
How to use IS NOT NULL in Knex JS

I am trying to create the following query using knex: SELECT * FROM users group by users.location having …

javascript mysql node.js knex.js
Knex: Timeout acquiring a connection. The pool is probably full. Are you missing a .transacting(trx) call?

I am using the following code to make a knex connection, but frequently the error occurred Knex: Timeout acquiring a …

node.js knex.js
Sub-query in Knex

I'm looking to essentially make this sort of query in Knex, but I can't quite get it to work: select …

knex.js - debug only SQL

Is there any way to display only SQL queries on console when debugging mode is on? I want to reduce …

express bookshelf.js knex.js
Removing Migrations With Knex.js In My Node.js Application

I am trying to get knex working in my node.js application. I was following a tutorial and at some …

javascript node.js knex.js
Get Knex.js transactions working with ES7 async/await

I'm trying to couple ES7's async/await with knex.js transactions. Although I can easily play around with non-transactional …

javascript async-await knex.js
create/drop database task for gulp/knex

I have an Express.js web applications which uses Knex.js as the SQL query builder and migrations engine. While …

database express migration gulp knex.js