Top "Keytool" questions

Key and Certificate Management Tool: manages a keystore (database) of cryptographic keys, X.509 certificate chains, and trusted certificates.

Keytool is not recognized as an internal or external command

I am trying to discover the list of trusted authorities in my Java Runtime using the instructions in this article. …

java coldfusion keytool
I have never set any passwords to my keystore and alias, so how are they created?

As I was going through some posts on the Internet learning more about signing your Android app, I got post …

android keytool android-keystore
Java keytool easy way to add server cert from url/port

I have a server with a self signed certificate, but also requires client side cert authentication. I am having a …

java ssl-certificate keytool
Keytool Signing Problem: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

I am trying to sign the release version of my Android app (debug was signed fine) for the Google Maps …

java android google-maps keystore keytool
keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to establish chain from reply

Generate keystore: keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore my.keystore -keysize 2048 Generate certificate signing request (CSR): keytool -certreq -alias …

tomcat ssl-certificate keytool
keytool : Certificate import gives error message - Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

My goal is to generate a certificate, export it in a file and import in JDK keystore. In first step …

java certificate keystore keytool
java.lang.Exception: Public keys in reply and keystore don't match

I have to access a webservice hosted at port 443.Service provider has shared three certificate with us. ABCD.cer CA_…

java ssl https keytool
keytool -genkey error: Keystore file does not exist

I try to create a new self certified keystore file The command I use is: keytool -genkey -selfcert -dname "cn=…

java certificate keystore keytool
How to print the public key of a certificate using keytool?

Is there a way in keytool to print the publick key of a certificate? I tried: keytool -printcert -file client.…

java certificate keytool
Access denied when creating keystore for Android app

I am trying to sign my Android app so I can release it in Market. When I generate the keystore, …

android keytool private-key