Top "Keystroke" questions

The generic concept of capturing or generating a keystroke event in an application.

Preventing "Enter" from submitting form, but allow it on textarea fields (jQuery)

$(window).keydown(function(event){ if(event.keyCode == 13) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } }); The above is the code I got which effectively …

jquery html textarea submit keystroke
How to: Simulating keystroke inputs in shell to an app running in an embedded target

I am writing an automation script that runs on an embedded linux target. A part of the script involves running …

bash shell keyboard embedded-linux keystroke
What does the 0x80 code mean when referring to keyboard controls

what does the 0x80 code mean when referring to the keyboard controls in C++ Windows environment? For example, if(GetKeyState(…

c++ windows keyboard keystroke
Simulate keypress using Swift

I'm searching for a way to simulate keystrokes in OSX. I found another solution (Simulate keypress for system wide hotkeys) …

cocoa swift keypress keystroke
detect Ctrl + Enter

(using WPF) i try to detect when Ctrl + Enter gets hit. so i tried this code: if (e.Key == Key.…

c# wpf keystroke
How do I send key stroke Enter in Watir

I need to automate the action of hitting 'Enter' key on keyboard after entering a text in a text field. …

watir keystroke
Programmatically send key strokes to a window program in Groovy or bat script

Backstory: I need to programmatically find the differences between two files. I want to use WinMerge to generate a report (…

batch-file window keystroke winmerge
Reset INPUT without FORM

I have INPUT element and I want to reset the previous value (not necessary original value). There are 2 ways: Save …

javascript jquery html keystroke
How to get the key TAB event on an input element?

I try to trigger a button when in an input field the return key has been hit. This works. But …

jquery keyup keystroke
AppleScript - interacting with a dialog window

I have this AppleScript: tell application "Finder" to display dialog "derp" -- display a dialog tell application "System Events" to …

applescript interactive interaction keystroke applescript-objc