Top "Keyevent" questions

An event that is triggered when a key is pressed,released or remains pressed on a keyboard input device.

How do I capture Keys.F1 regardless of the focused control on a form?

I used KeyDown event and some simple code like if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F1) to capture F1 is pressed on …

c# .net winforms keydown keyevent
How to force "enter key" to act as "tab key" using javascript?

I'm working on a site that is full of forms to be filled and I it's required that when escape …

javascript keyevent onkeydown
How to capture the spacebar press event using KeyeventHandler?

I have a Form with a rich text box in which i want to do the following: When user presses …

c# .net keyevent key-events keyeventargs
How can I listen to a TAB key pressed/typed in Java?

private void jTextField1KeyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt) { //cant capture my TAB? System.out.print(evt.getKeyChar()); } What is …

java focus traversal keylistener keyevent
How can I simulate user interaction (key press event) in Qt?

I need to simulate "Enter" key event in Qt. How can I do this?

qt qt4 keyevent
Why trigger F11 press event doesn't work?

I just read this question: Full Screen Page by pressing button instead of F11 The op asked to replace F11 …

javascript jquery javascript-events keyevent
Java converting keycode to string or char

I want to turn keyevent keycode value into a string or a char value. Either one would do. For example, …

java string keyevent keycode
KeyTypedEvent KeyEvent's KeyCode is always 0?

I have a Java Swing application in the NetBeans IDE. I made a form and attached a KeyListener to my …

java swing keylistener keyevent
How to catch Control-V in C# app?

I've tried to override WndProc, but no message show up on paste event. Then I tried to create custom filter …

c# message keyevent
Jquery Run code 2 seconds after last keypress

I am working on a auto search function for a site. It uses ajax to query an api. At the …

jquery timer keyevent