Kerberos is a single sign-on (SSO) network authentication protocol designed to allow nodes, communicating over a non-secure network, to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner.
We are having trouble getting Kerberos/AD authentication to work with a Spring webapp, and I believe the problem has …
java active-directory kerberos spnegoI am writing a pGina plugin to get AFS Tokens and a Kerberos TGT from our KDC at login, while …
windows authentication kerberos keytab ktpassI am trying to authenticate with a kerberos/HTTP host. Using Apache HttpClient as my client - and a slightly …
java authentication httpclient kerberos userprincipalHere's my scenario. I created an application which uses Integrated Windows Authentication in order to work. In Application_AuthenticateRequest(), I … security iis authentication kerberosAs I understand it, SPN is an authenticating tool for windows services. Kerberos is a user authentication service SPNEGO-GSSAPI is …
kerberos windows-authentication spnego gssapi sspiWish to get more understanding on the use of kinit and keytab file. For example, if I already have a …
windows active-directory kerberos jaas keytab